Tuesday, December 20, 2005


SO WHAT? Apathy is the hallmark of the complacent and contented self-sufficient. The needs of the suffering, poor and oppressed are screaming to be noticed but too often we turn away.

Ever notice how often the Bible makes reference to the poor and suffering? The word or reference to the poor appears no less than 4,000 times through out the Bible. Jesus speaks of the poor and suffering more than any other topic. Think about it. If Jesus is interested, so should we be also!

Familiar passages like Matthew 25 remind us of what Jesus said, "...for as we do unto the least of these, you have done unto me."

Take 5 minutes from your day to simply notice the needs of the poor. Don't know any? Try looking for them more intently. They are the single moms working part-time as waitresses. They are young and old. They work for companies that provide no insurance or time off benefits. The "working poor" are fast becoming the familiar and yet forgotten.

Too often, they are not living in the slums of the intercity. They are living in your neighborhood.

For more information about the working poor go to: www.love-cc.org