Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bread of Life

When Jesus described Himself as the bread of life he was helping His disciples understand that all their provision is found in Him. I find it very relevant that the author of life and God of the universe would describe His essence in terms that are universally understood. By saying he was the Bread of Life there would be no doubt what He meant. Centuries later the meaning is as real as it was then. Life needs food to survive!

I just finished a great sandwich from my favorite coffee shop. You guessed it, Panera Bread. As I nibbled away on my meal, I reflected upon the hunger I felt and the satisfaction of being filled. My hunger was real and so was my satisfaction! I gained an immediate energy boost and my brain began to think wildly. All this because I had something to eat.

In our world there are many who do not have the luxury of a simple loaf of bread yet I am surrounded by plenty. It makes me feel guilty, of course. But it also makes me truly thankful for the blessings and the privileges I take for granted.

Today I reflect upon the resources I have in abundance. I can honestly say that I have an abundance! While I recognize my abundance in good things I also approach the Lent season with a keen awareness that I must be willing to do without too! And in these times also be grateful to God!

Love is not just enjoying the abundance of plenty. Love is also sacrificial. I must be willing to share what I have with those in need as well as be willing to do without for the sake of Christ!

Help me, Lord to enter Lent with a willing heart. Willing to give away what I do not own anyways. Help me to be willing to sacrifice personal comfort for the sake of others. Help me to not complain when I seem to have little!

For as much as we do unto the least of those in need, we do unto our Lord, Jesus Christ. Perhaps by giving away what we can not keep we get what we can not live without! Thank you, Jesus for the reminder!