Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What If?

Last night I attended a meeting of pastors from several churches. Their discussion was centered on the needs of the poor. It was exciting to hear the stories and ideas on how to help the homeless and low-income populations.

What impressed me most about their discussion was the empathy and compassion that pastors and church leaders had for the poor. Being there and hearing these pastors share caused me to reflect on the question of "What If?"

What if churches come together to demonstrate God's love in practical ways?

What if pastors captured a vision for serving the poor in our communities?

What if our community developed a heart for the hurts and pains of the poor and hurting?

What if people in our churches begin to love and demonstrate compassion to people in need?

At this meeting of pastors my question began to be answered. As pastors and church leaders come together to support the needy and demonstrate LOVE in the name of Christ, I believe that a by-product will be a delivery of HOPE. For those in our communities that are needy, the most precious gift the church can offer is a hope in the name of Christ. A hope that has an eternal message A hope that produces faith A hope that never disappoints.

For this group of pastors the vision of "What If?" can become a reality.