Sunday, February 26, 2006


Okay, I admit it. I am really into the TV series "24." It is a series that I have kept up on for five seasons now. I am impressed with the way new tv series are constructed these days. Every episode of TV series are connected to a larger story-line. Each episode builds upon the overall theme. Often this series follows some mystery yet to be discovered or a mission being completed.

The series, 24 is about a special branch of the government. It is an elite Counter Terrorist Unit that works to complete a mission and protect citizens of the United States. It is a pretty intense series. One agent in particular, Jack bower, is the series star. He is the hero that usually comes against major enemies and problems to save the day in the nick of time. He works to defend and protect the security of each American.

I don't recommend that you get hooked on the series as I have but there are some very interesting thoughts I have following nearly every episode. I am always impressed with the courage, strength and smarts this guy demonstrates. While I don't approve of every tactic Jack employs I have to say that I am impressed with his results.

One of the things that Jack that really impresses me is the level of passion he exhibits. Jack is intense and determined! His mission is real and the show demonstrates him at work in real time. Each episode is one hour in the real time. Jack doesn't rest, he doesn't eat and he doesn't even "chit-chat." He is determined, focused and very emotional. His passion is sure and his focus is clear.

The second thing I am impressed with is Jack's determination to accomplish his mission no matter what. He only has 24 hours to complete his work, each episode is one hour in real time. So, to say the least, the show is wildly intense and Jack is usually stressed out because he is trying to complete the mission with a time variable that applies incredible pressure.

I wonder, am I that intentional when it comes to my faith? Am I that concerned about the need to accomplish my mission? Perhaps I may not be that intense because my mission doesn't seem to be that critical. Maybe I don't feel the impact of saving the world from chemical bombs and terrorist. Maybe I don't see the need as clearly focused as Jack.

But, what I do does make an impact in the lives of others. Perhaps I need consider that my mission is even more important than Jack's. I have to realize that what I do from day-to-day has eternal ramifications. Demonstrating love in the name of Christ is a worthy cause, indeed!

I may not have the pressure of 24 hours but I have the mandate of serving the "lease among us" in the name of Christ. And so do you! Let's get to work because our mission is a worthy one. After all, our work comes as orders from our great Chief and Commander, Jesus Christ.